Video of Microsoft's Surface computing

இதைப் பற்றிய வீடியோ ஒன்றை முன்னாலே பார்த்திருக்கிறேன். இப்பொழுது வெளிவந்திருப்பது புதியவிஷயங்களை உள்ளடிக்கியது.


Boston Bala said...

cool ;)

Anandha Loganathan said...

This is nothing

Check out the solaris 10 release video 1 year back or apple os x 2 years back.

both of them have 3d tiltable, stretchable windows, rounded / irregular / non linear windows, transparency, touch screen integration, voice integration ... the works. all of this without blending the graphics sub system with the kernel.

the day ms is able to do all this from user mode, that is the day they will have a halfway decent product.

and always remember - microsoft NEVER does anything cutting edge. they are just good at copying ideas / products from others and then swamping the market with their implementation!

- Anand